Five things I love about teaching ESL online

Five Things I Love About Teaching ESL Online

I have been teaching ESL online for 2 years and I LOVE  teaching ESL online!

I teach for two companies (DaDa and Cambly).  These two companies fulfil different roles in my life and each have their place.  I will write a post about them in the future to discuss how they benefit my lifestyle.

But, today… I will discuss five things I love about teaching ESL online.

I spent 11 years teaching ESL to students at my school.  It was when my son was born, that I stopped teaching in a physical school.  When he was old enough, I started teaching online.  I love teaching my students every day and am enlightened by their ability and stamina to continue to learn a new language.  I am in awe of my adult students that start from the beginning and don’t give up.

It was difficult to choose just five reasons, but I think, at this point, these are the most important reasons why I continue teaching ESL online:

I love teaching online because:

1.  The students

Every day I get to transport to another country and live in the moment with a student on the other side of the world.  I love learning about their countries and teaching them about mine.  Majority of my students are regular students that I see on a regular basis.  I have experienced birthdays, family deaths and happy experiences they want to share.  All teachers know that teaching is so rewarding but to form a relationship with a student through a screen is something special in itself.

2.  Flexibility

With Cambly, I have the opportunity to choose my own schedule.  I schedule my openings on a Thursday for the week ahead.  My students then reserve time according to when I am available.   This allows me to be available for my children’s school outings, self care like going to the gym and that long-overdue hair appointment, spontaneous play dates and an evening out at parent meetings.

Cambly also allows for cancellations in the cases of emergencies, without being financially penalized.  I had an experience when my car would not start after dropping my daughter at school – what a disaster!  I used the app to cancel my classes and reschedule with my students.

3. I work from home

Especially during this time of COVID, I have been unbelievably grateful for my flexible job at home.  My children’s school schedule changed and they were attending online school from home.  Fortunately, I could be at home to support them and assist in their learning, and still fit in my classes.  This has been such a blessing for my family.

4.  Variety

I love teaching ESL online because I am exposed to students of all ages and abilities.  I enjoy searching for activities to do with my students that will keep them engaged on the level they are working on.  My day is never the same.  I am never bored.  With both of my two companies, the amount of preparation required is left up to the teacher.  I enjoy including a variety of activities like Boom Cards™ and websites in my lessons to make learning enjoyable for my students and for me.

5.  Earn as I Teach

Let’s face it… it does not matter how much I love teaching, I still need to put food on the table at the end of the day.  Again, my companies compliment each other so well.  With DaDa, I earn more than Cambly but don’t have nearly as much flexibility.  Cambly allows me to fill in the gaps.  I used this income for extras.  If my daughter needs a new uniform or my son wants to participate in a cricket tournament or we want to go on a special family vacation.

Cambly allows me to work extra hours in order to earn what I need to.

That sums up my the Five Things I Love About Teaching ESL Online.  Please leave  a comment with why YOU love teaching ESL online!

*disclaimer – This post contains referral links which may result in me getting a commission for referring teaching to my online companies.

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I am an online teacher, passionate about creating fun and engaging activities for ESL students.  I live in South Africa with my husband, two children and a handful of pets.  

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