Teaching ESL beginners?

Don't know where to start?

Get started with 24 Vocabulary lists!

Quick lesson planning with easy-to-use vocabulary list.

Learning with Smiles

Hi! I'm Margaux

I am a wife / mom / ESL teacher / online resource creator.  

You are in the right place if…

  • You teach ESL beginners in person or online.
  • You are looking for exciting ways to spruce up your lessons. 
  • You don’t know where to start with your new ESL beginners.
  • You struggle to plan what to do next.
Web Design Services

How can I help you?

Learning with Smiles - Mini Office Folde

Printable resources

I create printable worksheets, interactive activities and games that will enhance the learning experience for your students. This instills a fun, enriching environment where learning can take place.

Learning with Smiles - Alphabet Digital Task Cards

Digital resources

Digital Resources are in much demand to create a fun, enriching environment where learning can take place. Boom Learning™ offer the perfect platform for interactive learning.

vocabulary resources

Learning vocabulary can be tedious. Using bright, colorful flashcards of different sizes and with different themes will add an extra dimension to learning vocabulary.

Web Design Services

From the Blog...

What are you waiting for?

Grab your free vocabulary lists now!