Play Dough is Perfect to Practice Math Facts!

Today we mixed up a batch of play dough, well actually two!  (There’s nothing more relaxing than playing with play dough!) I used my No-Cook Recipe and it went super quick and lasts for a good few months if stored in an air-tight container – although we use it a lot and I like to make fresh fairly often!  Each child could choose a color for their play dough and by looking at the pictures, can you guess who chose what?

With two balls of nice fresh play dough (which had not been mixed together yet) I thought it the perfect time to do some Math 🙂

We have a set of number play dough cutters and they work perfectly to develop fine motor skills as well.  Megan’s fingers needed to work gently and meticulously to ‘free’ the number from the cutter.  This was great for her concentration and fine motor as she sat and worked at creating ‘perfect’ numbers.

We used different colors for the numbers and the mathematical signs and symbols.  Here she could differentiate the two and identify which goes in which category.

We had a lot of fun creating equations and identifying different number combination.

What was extra handy, was when Megan struggled with a sum, she could use little play dough balls to solve her problem.

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I am an online teacher, passionate about creating fun and engaging activities for ESL students.  I live in South Africa with my husband, two children and a handful of pets.  

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