I love being in the garden and designed a theme pack for Pre-K/K using the garden as my inspiration. The aim of this pack is to prepare a student for Kindergarten and can also be used to reinforce work covered in Kindergarten.
Many of the activities can also be adjusted as your child/students becomes more able. Here is what I did with my daughter:
We copied patterns and then made our own.
We used a white board marker to practise fine motor and writing skills and then discussed the connection between the two objects that we connected.
We did basic sums using soda can ‘tabs’ as counters. Add the leaves together and search for the flower.
We sorted ‘flower pot’ pictures according to their initial sounds.
We built number puzzles. Even though my daughter is not familiar with reading number words yet, she is slowly starting to recognize them.
More practice with initial sound by spinning the flower spinner and then graphing the sound which the picture started with.
We had such fun comparing the groups of leaves to determine which pile the caterpillar should munch! Yum Yum!
The answers were recorded on a worksheet. Younger children may not have the ability to write yet, but can still count the leaves and determine which pile is bigger.