Be Your Student’s Superhero!

This has been on my mind for a while now.  It is something that I think does not come naturally to everyone, and is therefore overlooked by many.  It applies to not only teachers, but parents too. I’ll be honest with you and admit that my ‘light-bulb’ moment only happened after my daughter, Megan, was […]

Fine Motor Development: Threading

Adam is a busy little boy and jumps from one activity to the next in a matter of minutes! I am constantly needing to find new activities for him to play with and keep him occupied.  He loves fine motor activities but prefers for them to be varied as he gets tired of the same […]

So Easy, No Cook Play Dough

I make a lot of play dough for my children.  I prefer the home made version because you can make it in your choice of color and a lot of it.  The little store bought tubs just don’t give me the quantity that I want (unless I buy a basket load at a hefty price). […]

Summer Link up – My talent

I am a bit late with linking up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3, but I though, “rather late than never”.  So here I am. This week’s topic is My Talent. This is definitely not a strong topic for me.  There are a lot of hobbies which I enjoy doing, but whether they are […]

Tips to Curb Back to School Anxiety

At the beginning of the year (our year starts in January), Megan started at a new school where she knew almost no one. Despite being a confident and eager child, I still anticipated a fair amount of anxiety with the new venture.  Seeing that the new school year is drawing closer, I thought to share […]

Planting a Vegetable Garden with Children

I love being in the garden but am not very good at it!  We have a small ‘vegetable’ patch in out garden but there is really not much to it.  The mint and strawberries have taken over and we are yet to harvest any lemons, tomatoes and capsicum from the plants which were planted.  I […]

A Gift for Grandma

It is my mother’s birthday on June 17 and I needed to think of a meaningful gift. We are not a ‘present’ family, meaning that we do not place a lot of emphasis on expensive gifts, but I always get both my parents something small and (hopefully) meaningful. This year, I decided to give something […]

Using QR codes in the classroom

Do you consider yourself as a ‘tech-savvy’ teacher?  It is such a challenge for teachers now days to stimulate students with paper and pen when they are driven by technology!  Technology is all around them and is very much part of their lives. It is our responsibility as teachers, to bring what students know into […]