Oh so Fun Summer Fashion for Teachers!

Would you wear these t-shirts?  I probably would… I found it here. Get it here. This one comes from here. I found this here. You can find it here. Hehe, I definitely need one of these.  My non-teacher friends can’t believe that I would arrange and organize other people’s children in a public place… I […]

10 Summer Fun Activities for the Kids

I love summer…the beach, the sun , the kids! I have been sifting through Pinterest to try and find some activities for my children to do during the vacation.  I have a 2-year old and a 6-year old and wanted to find activities appropriate for both of them to do together. I have compiled this […]

Summer Link up – My talent

I am a bit late with linking up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3, but I though, “rather late than never”.  So here I am. This week’s topic is My Talent. This is definitely not a strong topic for me.  There are a lot of hobbies which I enjoy doing, but whether they are […]

Weekly Summer Link Up: The Best Trip of My Life

I am so excited to link up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3.  Somewhere along the line I missed the first few weeks – oops, where have I been?  But, none the less, here I am posting about The Best Trip of My Life. You can see the line up of topics below and […]

Planting a Vegetable Garden with Children

I love being in the garden but am not very good at it!  We have a small ‘vegetable’ patch in out garden but there is really not much to it.  The mint and strawberries have taken over and we are yet to harvest any lemons, tomatoes and capsicum from the plants which were planted.  I […]

‘In the Garden’ Theme

I love being in the garden and designed a theme pack for Pre-K/K using the garden as my inspiration.  The aim of this pack is to prepare a student for Kindergarten and can also be used to reinforce work covered in Kindergarten. Many of the activities can also be adjusted as your child/students becomes more […]

A Garden Scavenger Hunt

It is winter here now, but we are lucky to have the most wonderful days among those wintery ones. When the sun comes out, I like to get out.  My children are ‘outside’ children and grumpiness, more often than not, disappears as they exit the house, into the garden. Apart from normal play, we sometimes […]