Recycled CVC Spelling Words

Learning CVC words

Are you a hoarder? So, if you had to ask my husband to define a hoarder, he would probably do so my mentioning my name.  I keep all kinds of packaging which may be useful in activities for my children.  There are toilet rolls in a kitchen cupboard and plastic disposable containers in a bedroom […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 6

Oh dear, huge apologies that this post is nearly a week late – oops.  Time ran away with me. So here it is… WEEK 6 of A Week of Wordy Wisdom The quote this week is by Confucius.  If you are not aware of who this man is/was then I’ll give you a quick run […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 3

Week 3 of A Week of Wordy Wisdom has been posted. Motivation Monday comes from Dr Seuss.  It is a message that I have been trying to instill in Megan from when she was really little.  Children (and adults) are often so overcome with disappointment when a favored activity comes to an end, that they […]