CVC Fun on the Way to School

Megan is in Kindergarten and loves books.  Every night we read two stories to her and she is starting to recognize words- which is very exciting. We have been focusing a lot on Sight Words and CVC words and it was getting to a point where she wanted to read on her own, but there […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 7

Week 7 is a bit late due to the party preparations that have been going on in my household,  It was my son’s second birthday and I became totally wrapped up in it.  That was on Saturday, so I am back to my normal routine and am able to blog again. So here we go… […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 6

Oh dear, huge apologies that this post is nearly a week late – oops.  Time ran away with me. So here it is… WEEK 6 of A Week of Wordy Wisdom The quote this week is by Confucius.  If you are not aware of who this man is/was then I’ll give you a quick run […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 5

We are in Week 5 of  A Week of Wordy Wisdom!  Such a fun, informative addition to your daily routine.  If you haven’t seen the other weeks, A Week of Wordy Wisdom introduces a new ‘wordy wisdom’ each day of the week.  Each week follows the same sequence but the information offered varies.  The run […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 3

Week 3 of A Week of Wordy Wisdom has been posted. Motivation Monday comes from Dr Seuss.  It is a message that I have been trying to instill in Megan from when she was really little.  Children (and adults) are often so overcome with disappointment when a favored activity comes to an end, that they […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 2

Are you ready for Week 2 of A Week of Wordy Wisdom? Today we have a quote by the beloved Winnie the Pooh!  I just love his soft, kind-hearted nature! Give your students the opportunity to think about what makes them different from each other and their family. Children are also always up for crafts. […]

A Week of Wordy Wisdom – Week 1

Welcome to my first (of many) weekly posts focusing on A Week of Wordy Wisdom. Words are all around us and life revolves being able to communicate.  The importance of reading is stressed as an important form of communication but often children are not exposed to different texts and ‘fun’ reading so they are despondent. […]