Struggling to win over your students. Try this…

As the new school year begins and you meet your new class of students, are you concerned of personality clashes? We have all had the experience of a personality clash, whether it be with a parent, colleague or student.   It’s tough… putting 25 individual students into a class with an adult and that they […]

Be Your Student’s Superhero!

This has been on my mind for a while now.  It is something that I think does not come naturally to everyone, and is therefore overlooked by many.  It applies to not only teachers, but parents too. I’ll be honest with you and admit that my ‘light-bulb’ moment only happened after my daughter, Megan, was […]

Tips For: A Child who is Oppositional

Oppositional Disorder is reflected in a situation where a student refuses to comply with everyday requests, such as , to line up.  This child will refuse and remain where they are.  If an attempt is made to assist them toward the line up spot, they will hang on to furniture to make it as difficult […]

Tips For: How to Handle a Child who Refuses to Speak

Selective Mutism is an anxiety disorder where a child will refrain from speaking at all.  When spoken to, this child will react in a way that is clear they understand and will participate in the activity, but will not speak to anyone in the school setting.  However, he/she will be very verbal at home. Don’t […]

Tips For: How to Handle a Withdrawn Child

As a teacher, I am sure you have had a child who was withdrawn and kept to themselves, no matter how hard you tried to encourage them to participate with their classmates. A Withdrawn child may spend most of their time on their own, reading in the book nook or playing in a corner on […]