
Learning the Alphabet with Digital Task Cards

Learning the Alphabet with Boom Cards

With my daughter starting to read, my son has become more and more interested in learning the alphabet and heading in her direction. How we use Boom Learning™ to learn the Alphabet… You may have heard about Boom Learning™.  It is a platform for Digital Task Cards.  You can read about it here.  I decided […]

Give your Preschooler the Edge…

Do you have a child who is Pre-K and you desperately want to give them the edge at school by doing some ‘prep’ work at home with them?  Maybe you have no idea where to start… Adam is now nearly 3 and we spend a lot of time doing ‘educational’ activities such as sorting and […]

Importance of Visual Foreground/Background Development

I often use my Remedial Therapy training at home with my children, to help ensure that they get the stimulation to develop the skills needed for school and learning.  Today I thought to jot down the importance of Visual Foreground/Background development and a few easy ways to practice and encourage it. Figure-ground perception is one […]